Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet is a tiny, active bird, even smaller than a warbler.  Its ruby crown is usually hidden, but this little guy was singing in the multi-flora rose and he was excited enough to show a red-orange stripe on top of his head.  After I played his song only once, it became excited enough to raise his crown completely; the first time I’ve been able to catch it in a photo.  He quickly went back to flicking his wings and foraging in the buds of the thorny bush he was perched in, but kept his ruby crown raised.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet


I’ve seen other birds peek at me before, but this Ruby-crowned Kinglet was a master!  I got at least a half dozen shots of him peeking out at me behind different branches!



Ruby-crowned Kinglet


For some reason, the camera’s focus is only on the Kinglet’s feet here as he takes a flying leap to the next branch.


Ruby-crowned Kinglet


He’s a handsome little fellow!


Ruby-crowned Kinglet


Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Lauren Shaffer

Lauren Shaffer wrote 146 posts

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