Lincoln’s Sparrow

Lincoln's Sparrow

Lincoln's Sparrow

Lincoln’s sparrows are always a treat to see in fall migration in Pennsylvania.  Their finely streaked sides and breast, along with their buffy malar stripe and upper breast, an eye ring, and white throat and belly all combine to make for one handsome bird.

Lincoln's Sparrows

This fall I discovered some wonderful habitat for migrating sparrows and warblers.  At the bottom of a private lane of a neighbor, where field, prairie (shrubby grassland), and deep woods converge; dozens, if not hundreds of mostly sparrows are often found in the grasses, multiflora rose, and autumn olive. Towhees, Mockingbirds, and some warblers are also usually present. When I can catch a photo of a bird in the multiflora rose with its red rose hips, or in the Sumac or Pokeberries, it makes for a colorful picture as the Lincoln’s Sparrow above demonstrates.

Lincoln's Sparrow

Fine black streaks are the key in identifying a Lincoln’s Sparrow.  Its back, sides, breast, and even its white throat are all finely streaked.

Lincoln's Sparrow

A jaunty little sparrow, the Lincoln’s crest is often peaked as if alarmed.

Lincoln's Sparrow

It’s unusual to see it with its crest not peaked as in the photo above and below.

Lincoln's Sparrow

The guide books say that the Lincoln’s Sparrow does not have a central spot which helps differentiate it from the Song Sparrow; but no one told this individual that bit of information!

Lincoln's Sparrow

One last pose showing streaks even on the under tail coverts!

More about this handsome bird can be found in a previous post: Lincoln’s Sparrows Passing Through.


Lauren Shaffer

Lauren Shaffer wrote 146 posts

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  • Anni @ I'd Rather B Birdin'

    Excellent images!! Why, just a couple of years ago, I didn’t even KNOW there were Lincoln Sparrows ’til I saw one and finally ID’d it. Your share is awesome.

    Thanks for linking up at I’d Rather B Birdin’ Lauri.

    • Lauren Shaffer

      Sparrows are tough to learn! They’re all LBJ’s (Little Brown Jobs!) It’s fun when you can figure them out, especially the dapper Lincoln’s! Thanks, Anni!

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