Lincoln’s Sparrows Passing Through

Lincoln's Sparrow

Lincoln's Sparrow

In Central PA, the beautiful fall warblers have all but made their way South, but the sparrows are coming through now.  One of the gems that moves through our region is the handsome Lincoln’s Sparrow.  The Audubon app says, “Although not uncommon during migration, Lincoln’s Sparrow is seldom noticed because of its shyness and its resemblance to the Song Sparrow.”  It breeds in brushy bogs, willow or alder thickets and winters in the Southern part of the United States.  Birders in our area keep an eye out for this finely streaked bird with its jaunty striped crown and buffy chest and sides, and consider themselves lucky to see one during migration.  This one was found at Tewksberry Grace Farm at the edge of the woods.

Lincoln's Sparrow



Lincoln's Sparrow



Lincoln's Sparrow

Lauren Shaffer

Lauren Shaffer wrote 146 posts

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  • janesjournals

    very handsome…cool head

    • Lauri Shaffer

      He IS a handsome bird! Too bad we only see him during migration!

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