The Red-headed Woodpecker is a strikingly handsome bird with an all-red head, neck and throat. It is far scarcer than other woodpeckers in the East, but the stark white belly and and large wing patches along with the red head will get your attention. We have several places in our area where these gorgeous birds can be found, but all feature a woodland of dead and dying trees with a clear under story.
These birds nest in trees like the one above.
Red-headed Woodpeckers are great flycatchers, and will catch dragonflies, bees, and other flying insects. They will also eat birds’ eggs and nestlings, mice, as well as plant material such as nuts, berries, and corn.
Fence posts make a convenient perch for watching for prey.
Catching prey on the wing!
See other related posts: Red-headed Woodpecker–Bird of the Day! And Red-Headed Woodpecker.