Snowy Owl–The “Dark One”

Snowy Owl


Snowy Owl

Snowy Owls are still in the news, with some being seen south of us in Lancaster, and other places, too.  So, I decided to add one more post (at least) with photos of the “Dark One” that I described in my last post.  It is so dark, that it is easily identified as a female.  Adult males are almost white, with juvenile males and females darker.  This bird drew a lot of attention with its white face and black hood, and very dark barred body.  It eluded capture several times, so it was never banded or fitted with a transmitter.  More about this bird appears in Snowy Owls: It’s been Nice Knowing You!

Snowy OwlSnowy OwlSnowy Owl

Lauren Shaffer

Lauren Shaffer wrote 146 posts

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