Lauren Shaffer

Lauren Shaffer wrote 146 posts

Yellow Warbler

Yellow Warbler

The Yellow Warbler is found across the entire United States singing the “Sweet, sweet, sweet; I’m so sweet!” song from the tops of shrubs and small trees. The male is a buttery-yellow color with rufous streaking on the breast. The female and immatures are a duller yellow without streaking. They are easily seen from the […]

White-throated Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow

The White-throated Sparrow is one of the jazziest sparrows at our feeders in winter with its black and white striped crown and yellow lores. In fact, Cornell’s website, All About Birds says, Crisp facial markings make the White-throated Sparrow an attractive bird as well as a hopping, flying anatomy lesson. There’s the black eyestripe, the […]

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagles have certainly made a come-back recently, and are no longer a rare sight. A pair has been nesting at Montour Preserve near us in Central PA for at least several years. Though they are seen occasionally at their nest tree, the pair is more often seen elsewhere, scoping out a farmer’s field for […]

Western Tanager

Western Tanager

In the colorless days of winter, an adult male Western Tanager has livened things up by ending up far from its usual warm winter habitat in Central America. This beautiful vagrant is even more striking in breeding plumage, when it sports an orange-red head and bright yellow body. This bird was found in the back […]



The Limpkin is a strange water bird of the Florida and Georgia swamps, something like a cross between a rail and  a stork. It doesn’t seem to fit in either family, and thus the Limpkin was classified in a family all by itself: Arimidae. Its range extends south from Florida to much of the fresh […]